​​ Miniature Galloways
No. from 13 Jan 2016

Solid Red

Glen El Rusty D2
Rusty is a fine example of a solid coloured Red Miniature Galloway Bull. He is a light Red colour and has a light nose, he was photogaphed here at about twelve (12) months old.

Glen El Rusty D2
This is Rusty taken at tweny four (24) months, he is a mature Bull and weighs about 500 kiligrams.
Rusty is a Light Red colour and has a Light Nose.
This is his summer coat, it will thicken up for winter.

Gleneagles Holly H4
Holly is a solid coloured Red Miniature Galloway Heifer calf. She is about three (3) weeks old in this photo. Holly has Dark Red Coat and a Dark Nose.
Gleneagles Heidi is in the background.
Heidi has been sold and now lives in Taree at a Galloway stud named "Karmic Reaction".

Wannawin Amber Y6
Amber is a solid coloured Red Miniature Galloway Cow. She is a Dark Red colour with a Light Nose and was photogaphed at Gleneagles at about Nine (9) years old.