​​ Miniature Galloways
No. from 13 Jan 2016

​Ian Bull hopes you enjoy your visit to our site.​

My twenty acre property is just seven kilometres from Leeton in NSW (which is in the Riverina between Wagga Wagga and Griffith - NSW Australia).
I originally looked into Miniature Galloway cattle when we first moved to Leeton. But I ended up going with Murray Grays. Unfortunately, they seemed to like being out of the paddock more than in it.
We solved that problem with the purchase of our Miniature Galloways. The little Galloways seem to be satisfied to stay in the paddock we put them in.
Pam and Max Meacham, from Glenayr Stud at West Wyalong sold us the beginnings of our herd. Then I bought my Red Bull Glen El Rusty D2 from Dungog. Rusty came from Ian and Irene Harris of Glen El Stud, who have now moved to Colorado USA.
In 2011 I had success (perhaps it was luck or maybe a blessing) when Gleneagles Grande G2 my white bull calf was born with red points. I added in 2013 Wannawin Amber a solid red cow and she has produced a solid red heifer calf, Gleneagles Harmony H6 and a white with red point heifer calf, Gleneagles Juanita J7, I produced another white with red points Gleneagles Juanita J7 and she has moved to "Balylyckle" a stud established in Yea Vic with Sonya and Martin.
Our hope (at Gleneagles) is to breed more Solid Red and White with Red Point Mini Galloways.
We have been able to breed many other White with Red Point Miniature Galloway Calves, they have all gone to new or established studs throughout NSW and Victoria.
I have a small herd of miniature Galloways with some for sale. - see
Ian Bull