​​ Miniature Galloways
No. from 13 Jan 2016

​White with Red Points.
​Gleneagles Grande G2 at 5 months​.
Grande is a fine example of a White with Red Points Galloway Bull.
Grande has Light Red Points and a dark nose​.
We have put him to work with our Solid Black, Solid Dun and a Solid Red cow which we purchased early in 2013. Gleneagles Juanita J6 is the second calf he hs sired.
We have 2 Red heifers we are waiting for them to be 15 months them we will paddock them both with Grande.
We should have more White with Red point calves born some time after November 2014. ​​
​Gleneagles Juliette J5 at 5 months.
Juliete is one of our 2 White with Red Points Galloway Heifer Calf born in 2013.
Juliette has Deep Red Points​ and a dark nose.
My plan for Juliette to be sold to a registered Pure Breed Miniature Galloway stud with a passion, like I have, to produce more White with Red Point Galloways has been fulfilled.
We advertised her "For Sale" and she was sold very quickly to a newly setup stud in Nyora Vic "Trascot Park" Miniatute Galloway Stud. Trace and Scott Cockram are keen with me, to increase this rare variety of Miniature Galloway in the Australian Galloway Assocition Herd Book.
​Gleneagles Juanita J7 at 3 Days​.
Juanita is our last calf born for 2013 , another beautiful White with Red Points Galloway Heifer Calf. Juanita has Deep Red Points​ and a dark nose .
My plan is for Juanita to be sold as a registered Pure Breed Miniature Galloway and to go to a stud with a passion, like I have, to produce more White with Red Point Galloways. I look forward to seeing this rare variety of Miniature Galloway increase in the Australian Herd Book of the "Austalian Galloway Assocition".​​
Juanita has been sold to Sonya and Martin of "Balytyckle" a new miniature Galloway stud in Sevelle East VIC.

​Gleneagles Keltic K6 at 6 Months​.
Keltic was born 2014 , another beautiful White with Red Points Galloway Bull Calf. Keltic has Deep Red Points​ and a dark nose .
I have sold Keltic as a registered Pure Breed Miniature Galloway Bull and hope to build this rare variety of Miniature Galloway to a substantial number of animals in the Australian Herd Book of the "Austalian Galloway Assocition" .​​ I am so glad he has gone to a stud with a similar passion as me, to see more White with Red Point Miniature Galloways and more variety in the Australian Herd Book.
Keltic has been sold to Julie and Trevor Heise at "Rock View" a new Miniature Galloway stud located at The Rock NSW.
Click Below : To see other variety of Whites