​​ Miniature Galloways
No. from 13 Jan 2016
Galloway Advantages
​Ease of Calving
We have had over (30) Miniature Galloway calves born on our 20 acre property since 2010 when we commenced our Gleneagles Mini Galloway Stud, all born naturally. My previous experience with Murray Grays was a very different story. Out of the 7 calves I had to pull two (2) and one (1) was cut out by the vet, as the Murray Gray calf was too big for the cow to have naturally, or even to pull it. This sort of expence I have not had to incur with my Miniature Galloways.
Smaller in Height
With a maximum height set by all recocnised Galloway Associations for Miniature Galloway Bulls at 125 cm and Miniature Galloway Cows at 120 cm they make an ideal choice for first time cattle owners like us. The bigger Murray Gray cattle we used to have tended to intimidate my wife Rhonda.
My smaller sized Miniature Galloway cattle are much easier for me (Ian) to handle by myself.​
Placid Temperament
Miniature Galloway Cattle irrelevant to colour are calm and easy to handle. With only a short amount of training time all our cattle have come to us to be hand fed. They will even come to me at the fence when I call them when they are in a paddock. Handling them does take a little longer committment.
Double Coat
Galloways need less feed to produce a mature animal. They don't need to eat as much during winter as their long shaggy over coat of hair and their soft under coat keeps them not only warm but drier than other breeds.
Marble on Grass Pasture
Galloway Cattle meat possesses an unusual characteristic. They will naturally marble the same way other beef cattle marble in a feed lot situation. All this is because of their double coat. Galloways don't develop an outer layer of fat to keep warm during winter. Any fat they get becomes marbling in their meat.
Sloped Hooves
The Galloway's sloped hooves are ideal for our property in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, because the land is protected from damage by heavy stock such as cattle during summer when the paddock are being watered by flood irrigation. Their sloped hooves minimise any damage to the land on our irrigated property.​
Naturally Polled
Horns tend to frighten most women and even some men. I am one man who does'nt like horned cattle at all. I've seen too many utube and video clips of "Runing with the Bulls"........Ouch! is all I can say.
Galloways are one of the oldest naturally polled breeds, so the Galloway polling dominance even in crossbreeding ensures 100% polled calves from horned females.​
Just another reason why we have our Miniature Galloways.
Non Selective Grazers
Galloways are a great ecological choice for a property as their NON SELECTIVE GRAZING" trait. will in time eliminate most weeds you have growing on you property.
All this equals a better conversion rate. Converting "GRASS into BEEF".​